He divided the supper into two equal parts. The giant returned at sunset. As there was nothing for him to sit on in his house, he told the boy, "Go out into the yard and find something for me to sit on. Only mind that it shouldn't be made of stone, or earth, or wood!" The eldest brother went out into the yard , but he couldn't find anything. When he returned to the house he found that the giant had eaten up all the food. When the boy saw that there was nothing left for him he asked," Where is my supper?" The giant got angry, grabbed the boy and swallowed him. The family waited and waited for the eldest boy but he didn't come back, and finally the middle boy said, "It's my turn now to go." He took his goat and a loaf of bread and went the same way as his elder brother. He saw the giant in the field and started to work for him and finally the giant swallowed him up. Now it came Tiny's turn to go. He went the same way as his two brothers. The giant hired him. Tiny roasted his goat, cut the bread, divided the food into two equal parts then made a hole in the floor and waited for the giant. At sunset the giant retuned home. "Is the supper ready?" he asked. "Yes, of course,"- replied Tiny. "Then go out into the yard and find something for me to sit on. Only mind that it shouldn't be made of stone, or earth, or wood!" Tiny looked around him and brough the iron tool into the house and said: "Sit down, here's an iron seat for you." The giant sat and they began to eat their supper. When Tiny ate his supper he asked the giant to give him some more. But the giant answered, "You've had enough, you ate too much, anyway." " Too much? Why, I can eat you for a titbit!" The giant believed him and was frightened. In the morning they went out to the field together. The giant worked but Tiny only pretended to help. In the evening they had nothing to eat. The giant went to bed hungry, while Tiny got up in the middle of the night, went to the hole and got some food to eat. The third day the giant decided to kill Tiny. But Tiny sat in his hole and heard everything, so that giant wasn't lucky again. So, he decided to pay Tiny for his work and send him home. But Tiny was too little to carry a big chest full of gold, so he told the giant to do a bit of work for him. The giant lifted the chest on his shoulder and Tiny sat on the chest to direct the way. When they came to the house Tiny shouted,